The Sage and Snow Garden Club will host its annual Garden Tour and Dinner on Saturday, August 6, featuring three local gardens. The tour will begin at 1:30 p.m. at the first stop and will end with dinner at the third stop of the tour. The public is invited to attend all or part of the tour and dinner, and there is no charge for the event. This tour is a great opportunity for gardeners to see some unique and beautiful gardens and to ask questions of other gardeners. Folks new to the community are especially welcome to learn about gardening and landscaping in our challenging growing environment. The tour will feature raised beds, in-ground garden beds, a greenhouse, beautiful trees and shrubs, and plenty of flowers. Sage and Snow is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and has been hosting various annual garden parties, teas, and tours since its inception.
The first stop commences at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Ruth and Gary Neely, 75 Fox Willow Drive, on the banks of Pine Creek in Pinedale. The Neelys have learned from three generations of family gardeners how to successfully grow plants in Sublette County. Their yard is lush with unusual trees and shrubs, a native wildflower garden, many different kinds of flowers, and a big vegetable garden. Refreshments and cold drinks will be served at this stop on the tour.
At 2:30 p.m., the tour will move to the home of Laurie and Mike McClain at 7 Faler Lane near Pinedale. Their home overlooks a lush meadow frequented by sandhill cranes, moose, and deer. They have fenced off a large space to create a garden with raised beds brimming with vegetables and a border filled with flowers to attract pollinators. The frost-sensitive plants, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers, are grown in a small greenhouse near the raised beds. Cold water will be available at this stop.
AT 3:30 p.m., the tour will move to the spectacular yard of Dorothy and Wayne Fornstrom, 38 Granite Lane, near Pinedale. The Fornstroms have just about everything in their gardens that will grow in Sublette County. Their front yard is full of mature trees; the back yard is bordered with sage brush and many different kinds of shrubs. In between, Dorothy has created several mini environments to grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers, including a large wildflower garden. At 4:30, Sage and Snow Garden Club members will serve a bountiful dinner of pulled pork, salads, desserts, and cold drinks in the Fornstrom gardens.
Some of the early members of the Sage and Snow Garden Club are still gardening and will be along on the tour to answer gardening questions and offer advice on growing plants in Sublette County. There will be plenty of good food and drinks. Come and celebrate gardening in Sublette County! For questions about the tour, contact Arlinda McLaughlin at 307-231-9402.